Jewelers Mutual Group, a 110-year-old insurer and business solutions provider focused to protecting jewelry and jewelry enterprises, recently provided insights into the world of consumers self-purchasing jewelry. Holidays and birthdays are the most major motivators for consumers to buy jewelry for themselves, according to a poll done by Jewelers Mutual to better understand the distinctive buying behaviors of self-purchasers.
These findings highlight the need of cultivating self-celebration and emphasizing well-being and pleasure throughout the holiday gift-giving season, when self-care may be overlooked.
“Jewelry is so much more than metal and stone; it’s a symbol of independence and self-expression,” said Krystle Craycraft, Jewelers Mutual‘s Senior Vice President of Marketing and Digital. “As we continue our work to elevate the love of jewelry, these findings reinforce the significance of empowering individuals to treat themselves to beautiful and meaningful jewelry, regardless of the occasion.”
1: Popular Choices: Female self-purchasers are substantially more likely to purchase necklaces and earrings, whereas males purchase watches.
2: Frequency of Self-Purchases: Half of respondents said they only bought jewelry for themselves once a year, showing that there is opportunity for more self-celebration.
3: Leaving a Legacy: For self-purchasers, passing on jewelry is vital. 96% of self-purchasers intend to or are thinking about passing down their fine jewelry.
4: Jewelry Protection: The survey found that there is a greater need for education about the need of professional inspections. 39% of self-purchasers reported never having their fine jewelry inspected.
These survey findings motivate Jewelers Mutual to promote self-purchase jewelry throughout the holidays and all year long. Jewelers Mutual is committed to safeguarding each piece of jewelry with the dedicated care and attention that comes from its 110 years of expertise, making it the preferred choice for over 1 million jewelry consumers across the United States and Canada.