IIGJ Mumbai celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Milan Chokshi, Chairman, IIGJ Mumbai and Founder CEO, Moksh; Sanjay Kothari, ex-Chairman, GJEPC and GJSCI; Debasish Biswas, CEO, IIGJ India; and Apoorva Mehta, Director of the Board, IIGJ Mumbai and Partner, Touchstone Fine Jewellery attended the anniversary celebration. They spoke to the institute’s students, teachers, and staff, sharing their ideas and experiences.

Biswas emphasized the vision of the founding members, led by IIGJ Founder Chairman Tanvirkumar Chokshi, who predicted the need for qualified gem and jewelry professionals in the fast-growing industry back in 2003. Biswas also outlined plans for the institute’s expansion and outreach, as well as reaffirmed the institute’s commitment to serving the industry.

Milan Chokshi discussed the rapid changes occurring in the gem and jewelry industry, as well as the relevance of the IIGJ‘s role in developing future generations of jewelry professionals. He advised the students to use their talents and expertise to make a positive impact on the industry, as well as to give back to it and contribute to its growth and development.

Sanjay Kothari, who has previously led GJEPC and GJSCI and is a founding member of IIGJ Mumbai, spoke fondly of the institute’s legacy. He recalled the early days of the institute, when it was just an idea shared by a few visionary diamantaires. He recalled how, after being guaranteed that the institute would be of significant assistance to the industry and that the founder members would always be active in its advancement, donors paid the entire cash for its construction in minutes.

Apoorva Mehta hailed the institute on its two-decade anniversary and discussed the high expectations of IIGJ Mumbai alumni entering the gem and jewellery business. He highlighted that IIGJ Mumbai students were lucky to benefit from the institute’s cutting-edge facilities as well as the multitude of chances available to them simply by virtue of the institute’s name.

The institute also honored academic and staff members who had completed 10 and 20 years of service. The dignitaries present honored four faculty members and two non-teaching staff members.

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