India’s GJ export decline of 12.66% in February 2024!

According to the reliable sources, India’s overall gross exports of Gems & Jewellery (GJ) registered at US$ 3046.84 million (Rs. 25274.640 crores) in the month of February 2024 is showing a decline of 12.66%

(-12.34%in Rs. term) as compared to US$ 3488.51 million (Rs. 28832.86 crores) for the same period previous year.

The overall gross imports of Gems & Jewellery at US$ 2261.8 million (Rs. 18765.3 crores) in month of February 2024 is showing a growth of 1.12% (1.6% in Rs. term) as compared to US$ 2236.72 million (Rs. 18470.62 crores) for the same period previous year.

India’s overall gross exports for the period of April 2024 – February 2024, of Gems & Jewellery at US$ 29606.8 million (Rs.245132.66 crores) is showing a decline of 15.31% (-12.39% in Rs term) as compared to US$ 34958.91 million (Rs. 279806.68 crores) for the same period previous year. The overall gross imports of Gems & Jewellery for the period of April 2024 – February 2024, at US$ 20167.619 million (Rs. 166919.71 crores) is showing a decline of 15.14% (-12.26% in Rs. term) as compared to US$ 23764.96 million (Rs. 190235.87 crores) for the same period previous year.

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