The overall gross Exports of Cut & Polished Diamonds (CPD) during the April-December 2023 totaled at US$ 11926.1 million (Rs. 98638.48 crores) is showing a decline of 28.27% (-25.32% Rs. term) as compared to US$ 16625.45 million (Rs. 132075.49 crores) for the same period of previous year.
The overall gross Imports of Cut & Polished diamonds during the April-December 2023 reached to US$ 1495.33 million (Rs. 12390.84 crores) is showing a growth of 42.95% (48.74% Rs. term) as compared to US$ 1046.06 million (Rs. 8330.81 crores) for the same period of previous year.
The overall gross Imports during April-December 2023, of Cut & Polished diamonds in DTA at US$ 318.87 million (Rs. 2637.24 crores) is showing a Decline of -14.25 (-11.13% Rs. term) as compared to US$ 371.84(Rs 2967.4crores) for the same period of previous year.
The overall gross Imports during April-December 2023, of Cut & Polished diamonds in SEZ at US$ 1176.46 million (Rs. 9753.6 crores) is showing a Growth of 74.49(81.85% Rs. term) as compared to US$ 674.22(Rs 5363.42 crores) for the same period of April-December 2022.
Gross Imports of rough diamonds at US$ 10104.28 million (Rs 83485.78 crores) in April-December 2023 have shown a decline of 23.51% (-20.6% Rs. term) compared with the imports at US$ 13209.65 million (Rs. 105142.66 crores) for previous year.
In volume terms gross Import of rough diamonds at 867.72 lakhs carats during April-December 2023 has shown a decline of 12.59% compared with the imports at 992.75 lakhs carats during previous year.
Provisional gross export of Polished Lab Grown Diamonds for the period during April-December 2023 at US$ 1024.6 million (in Rs. 8478.72 crores) shows decline of 22.97% (-19.92% in Rs. term) over the comparative figure of US$ 1330.18 million (Rs. 10587.36 crores) for previous year.