According to the released figures in October by the GJEPC for the India’s Gem & Jewellery (GJ) exports for the month of September and also for the period of April 2023 – September 2023, Plain Gold Jewellery India that grew 24.07% in the September 2023. Fact and figures show India’s export for the month of September 2023.
In the month of September 2023, Gold Jewellery (Plain & Studded), reached to a total gross export of Gold Jewellery at US$ 884.18 million (Rs. 7340.55 crores) in month of September 2023 is showing a decline of 0.14% + (3.31% in Rs. term) as compared to US$ 885.46 million (Rs. 7105.38 crores) for the same period of previous year.
In the Plain Gold Jewellery category, the total gross export of Plain Gold Jewellery at US$ 427.57 million (Rs. 3549.54 crores) in month of September 2023 is showing a growth of 24.07(+28.28% in Rs. Term) as compared to US$ 344.61 million (Rs. 2767.04 crores) for the same period of previous year.
The total gross export of Studded Gold Jewellery at US$ 456.61 million (Rs. 3791.01 crores) in month of September 2023 is showing a decline of 15.57% (-12.62% in Rs. term) as compared to US$ 540.84 million (Rs. 4338.34 crores) for the same period of previous year.