The GJEPC Regional Office in Delhi hosted a session titled “How to Start Exports of Gems and Jewellery” with the goal of involving newly enrolled members. This collaborative event, conducted on July 12th, attracted approximately 40 jewellers and was held in the Council’s office in Flatted Jhandewalan, New Delhi. The seminar was co-hosted by the Office of the Additional Director General of Foreign Trade (CLA) in New Delhi, ECGC Limited in New Delhi, and Dak Niryat Kendra of the Department of Post in New Delhi.
Shri Ashok Seth, Regional Chairman of the Northern Region, and Shri Anil Sankhwal, CoA Member, GJEPC, greeted the speakers.
The programme includes talks by industry specialists who offered attendees with relevant insights and information. Shri Palani Phani Kiran S., ITS, Assistant Director at DGFT, provided thorough information regarding DGFT initiatives, with an emphasis on the gems and jewellery sector.
Shri Rakesh Mani Shukla, Senior Manager at ECGC Limited, spoke about insurance policies and the numerous coverage options available to gem and jewellery exporters. Shri Vickey Kumar, Director (Mails & BD), spoke on behalf of Dak Niryat Kendra, outlining the detailed procedure of exporting jewellery via their platform.