De Beers takes Lupita Nyong’o on a fact-finding tour in Namibia and South Africa.

Lupita Nyong’o, an Academy Award-winning actress, has completed an immersion trip of South Africa and Namibia, with the goal of understanding the diamond industry’s broader consequences. The De Beers global ambassador visited diamond mines, trading businesses, and community programs to examine the sector’s contribution to sustainable development.

Nyong’o’s itinerary included a visit to De Beers’ Venetia diamond mine in South Africa, where she saw the company’s operations and environmental procedures. In Namibia, she visited the Namibian Diamond Trading Company (NDTC) and Namdeb to learn about the industry’s economic influence on the country.

Beyond the mining activities, the actress dug into De Beers‘ social projects. These are programs that promote women’s empowerment, education, and community development. Nyong’o‘s visit to Namibia’s BeFree Campus, a youth institution, underlined the industry’s overall social influence.

While the actress praised the diamond industry’s progress toward gender equality, her major focus was on understanding the industry’s entire impact on the communities in which it operates. Her visit coincides with increased scrutiny of the diamond industry’s environmental and social standards.

Nyong’o‘s findings and ideas are scheduled to be released in the following months.

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