The diamond industry’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond compliance; it is about making a significant effect.

The gem and jewellery sector has received constant global criticism for how it conducts business throughout its supply chain. The scrutiny is intensifying as it becomes clear that businesses must become more socially responsible and address environmental and ethical concerns.

All actors have recognized the importance of more transparency, and the industry must play its part in informing customers about the environmental, social, and economic consequences of their decisions. Sustainability and climate change mitigation are major challenges that must be addressed. GJ players are becoming more aware of their duty as good corporate citizens.

On June 5, World Environment Day, top payers from the Indian diamond sector spoke about their sustainability measures.

Shreyans Dholakia, Entrepreneur & Brand Custodian-Shree Ramkrishna Exports, stated, “Sustainability is more than simply a goal for us at SRK; it is a commitment to leaving a long-term good influence on both society and the environment. Our most significant achievement is attaining our ambition of reaching net zero emissions by 2024, six years ahead of India’s 2030 sustainability targets. We are pleased to announce that SRK has already reached Net Zero status this year. Our facilities are proudly certified green buildings by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), and they are globally compatible with LEED Platinum Certificates, placing them among the highest-ranking green buildings in the world due to their operating efficiency. Furthermore, SRK ensures that all waste paper created in its manufacturing plants is recycled, and it actively monitors and aims to reduce waste by 50% across multiple categories. We also have a biogas facility that processes organic waste into compost and fuel, and we are building a sewage treatment plant that will recycle 100% treated water with zero discharge. These measures demonstrate SRK’s commitment to environmental sustainability and lowering its carbon footprint in operations.”

Kishore Sanghvi, Chairman of KP Sanghvi LLP, stated, “Our commitment to sustainability is built into the fabric of our business. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in efforts such as on-campus recycling and procuring one-third of electricity from renewable sources like solar panels. Our early endeavors in Pavapuri, which focused on animal welfare, tree planting, and overall sustainability, instilled in us a strong desire for healthy, organic living. Today, this passion has evolved into an uncompromising commitment to green practices, as evidenced by our comprehensive approach to the UN SDGs, where we have proudly fulfilled 14 of the 17 targets. Our voyage demonstrates that sustainable living is not only beneficial, but also necessary for a balanced relationship with the environment.”

Arpan Mehta, Managing Director of Aurostar Diamonds, commented, “At Aurostar, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond basic compliance; it is about creating a significant effect. Our rooftop solar project in Surat, Gujarat, demonstrates our commitment to providing clean, renewable energy in accordance with SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). We are also happy sponsors of the Auroville Unity Fund, with contributions to the MatriMandir and Lake projects that promote environmental protection and beautification, which correspond with SDGs 15 (Life on Land) and 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). These initiatives show our comprehensive approach to sustainability, emphasizing our stance that good environmental practices are vital to our operations and critical to the future of our planet. Aurostar wants to provide a good example in promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly industry.”

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