Embarking on an extraordinary journey of knowledge and discovery, students from J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry recently had the privilege of experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime International Study Tour to Africa.
Specifically, the tour took them to Tanzania and Zambia, where they delved deep into the mesmerizing world of gemstones, exploring Tanzanite mines and Zambia’s largest emerald-producing mine, Kagem Mines. Let’s unravel the fascinating insights gained by these aspiring gemologists during their enriching adventure.
the Ministry of Minerals, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Guided by an official, students gained insights into the intricate procedures of exporting gems, the associated charges, and the formalities required to become a registered dealer for Tanzanite gemstones.
In Arusha market, students honed their negotiation and bargaining skills while interacting with dealers, members of the Masai tribe, and local African people. The market presented an opportunity for hands-on stone buying experience, with a diverse range of gemstones available, including the renowned Longidoor rubies.