The Surat Diamond Bourse was opened by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in Surat, Gujarat. Prior to the program, the Prime Minister went to Panchtatva Garden, saw the Surat Diamond Bourse Green Building and SPINE-4, and signed the tourist brochure. Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister also dedicated the new Surat Airport terminal building.
In his address to the gathering, the Prime Minister stated that a new diamond had been added to Surat’s magnificence. “It is not an ordinary diamond, but the best in the world,” Shri Modi added, emphasizing that the splendor of the Surat Diamond Bourse dwarfs the world’s largest building.
As he thanked the entire Surat Diamond Bourse team on the occasion, he acknowledged the humbleness of Vallabhbhai Lakhani and Laljibhai Patel, as well as the spirit of bringing everyone along, for the success of such a massive undertaking. “Surat Diamond Bourse will now come to the fore along with India’s pride during discussions about diamond bourses in the world” , he went on to say.
“Surat Diamond Bourse showcases the abilities of Indian designs, designers, materials, and concepts,” remarked the Prime Minister. This structure represents New India’s capability and resolve.” Shri Modi congratulated the diamond industry as a whole, as well as the people of Surat, Gujarat, and India, on the opening of the Surat Diamond Bourse.
During his earlier tour of the Surat Diamond Bourse, the Prime Minister emphasized the architecture, mentioning the Green Building as an example for environmental advocates worldwide, the overall architecture of the building as a tool for learning by architecture and structural engineering students, and the Panchtatva Garden as an example for a landscaping lesson.
Despite India’s leadership in diamond jewelry exports, silver cut diamonds, and lab-grown diamonds, he noted that India’s share of worldwide gems-jewelry exports is only 3.5 percent. “If Surat decides, our share of gems-jewelry export could reach double digits,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi remarked, reiterating the government’s support for the sector.