For American jewellers, silver continues to provide results.

In order to assess several facets of the silver jewellery market in 2022, the Silver Institute recently paid jewellery merchants in the USA for a survey.

The following are some survey highlights:

In 2022, 61% of shops claimed to have added an average of 21% more silver jewellery to their inventory.

The importance of silver jewellery to their business was cited by 51% and 27%, respectively.

Retailers said that silver jewellery sales accounted for an average of 28% of unit volume and 19% of dollar volume of their total jewellery sales.

For silver jewellery sales, the average store increase in 2022 was 14%.

The holiday season’s best-maintained margins were:

38% of silver jewellery
21% for diamond jewellery
21% Bridal Jewellery
18% Gold Jewellery
2% for platinum jewellery

According to 52% of the merchants, customers between the ages of 20 and 40 buy the most silver jewellery.

For the upcoming few years, silver jewellery sales are expected to increase, according to 88% of retailers.

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