In order to assess several facets of the silver jewellery market in 2022, the Silver Institute recently paid jewellery merchants in the USA for a survey.
The following are some survey highlights:
In 2022, 61% of shops claimed to have added an average of 21% more silver jewellery to their inventory.
The importance of silver jewellery to their business was cited by 51% and 27%, respectively.
Retailers said that silver jewellery sales accounted for an average of 28% of unit volume and 19% of dollar volume of their total jewellery sales.
For silver jewellery sales, the average store increase in 2022 was 14%.
The holiday season’s best-maintained margins were:
38% of silver jewellery
21% for diamond jewellery
21% Bridal Jewellery
18% Gold Jewellery
2% for platinum jewellery
According to 52% of the merchants, customers between the ages of 20 and 40 buy the most silver jewellery.
For the upcoming few years, silver jewellery sales are expected to increase, according to 88% of retailers.