Vicenzaoro January 2023 was a record-breaking edition where the whole jewellery world gathered and recorded an all-time record attendance with +11.5% compared to the pre-pandemic edition of January 2020, despite the shorter duration of a day.
Foreign buyers doubled compared to the 2022 winter edition (+105%), foreign visitors reached almost 60% of the total, from 136 countries around the world, with Europe accounting for 54.5%, the Middle East 9.5%, Asia 9%, Turkey 9%, North America 7.2%, Africa 5.4% and Latin America 4.7%. Among the individual countries most represented in absolute terms are the United States and Turkey, from Europe: Greece, Germany, Spain, the UK and France, from the Middle East: the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Saudi Arabia, India, Japan and Thailand from Asia.
The Italian presence from all regions with Lombardy, Emilia- Romagna, Lazio and Sicily is also very positive, with growth of more than 20% compared to the pre-pandemic.
T.Gold, the main international showcase of innovation, with the most advanced machinery for goldsmithing and the most recent processes applied to gold and jewellery, organized in partnership with A.F.E.M.O., in this edition has seen an increase in the exhibition area of 10 %.

VO Vintage, the event dedicated to vintage watches and jewellery open to the B2C public, with collectors, experts and watch lovers from Italy and the world, has also consolidated its success. The total media contacts exceeded 224 million and the views of the professional operators of the exhibitor profiles on the B2B platform The Jewelery Golden Cloud exceeded 200 thousand.
With 1,300 exhibiting brands and 400 hosted foreign buyers, Vicenzaoro confirms the vivacity of Italian exports, up by +27.2% between January and September 2022, a figure presented by Federorafi with the elaborations of the Confindustria Moda Study Center on ISTAT data.

The corridors of Vicenzaoro 2023 were always crowded with professional operators and qualified buyers from all over the world, attracted by the quality of Made in Italy but above all by an event capable of responding to all the needs of the international jewellery community.
Vicenzaoro has confirmed itself as a business, training, information and networking hub, capable of intercepting all the new products and anticipating market trends with the Icon, Creation, Look, Essence, Expression communities and the brand new Time area dedicated to contemporary watchmaking and its supply chain.

With the presence of the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso and the Governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, the January 2023 edition confirmed itself as an international reference point for the presence of the whole institutional and associative world: from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, to ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Orafi and Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Confimi Industria Goldsmith and Silverware Category, Assogemme, Assocoral, AFEMO – Association of Manufacturers, Exporters and Goldsmith Machinery, CIBJO – World Jewellery Confederation.
Confirmed point of reference, also thanks to events with the big names in jewellery, including Dior Joaillerie, Trendvision trends, the commitment to train new generations of goldsmiths with national and international initiatives such as the Federorafi open day for students and the HRD Design Awards.

The next appointment with Vicenzaoro is from September 8th to 12th 2023, while the jewellery community will gather first in Dubai for the second edition of JGTD in Dubai, from February 12th to 14th at the Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC) and then in Oroarezzo , from May 13th to 16th.