De Beers’ rough sales trend lower as India’s diamond trading slows during elections.

De Beers published preliminary diamond sales numbers for the fourth sales cycle of 2024, which show a drop. The provisional sales value for this cycle is $380 million, down 15% from $446 million in Cycle 3 of 2024 and 21% from $479 million in Cycle 4 of 2023.

De Beers Group CEO Al Cook stated, “As expected, De Beers‘ rough diamond sales in the fourth cycle of the year trended lower, in line with the seasonally slower second quarter and a quieter trading period in India during the elections.” The worldwide diamond business is currently focusing on the JCK jewelry show in Las Vegas at the end of May. Demand trends in the United States are projected to be influenced by short-term macroeconomic concerns, but will be sustained in the future years by an increase in engagements as the impacts of pandemic lockdowns recede.”

 Cycle 4 2024(provisional)Cycle 3 2024(actual)Cycle 4 2023(actual)
Sales value ($m)380446479

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