MSMEs receive financial aid for exports.

The Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises is executing the International Cooperation Scheme, which provides financial assistance to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in order to encourage export. The plan applies to all districts in the country.

Under the District Export Hub Initiative, the government has made steps to boost exports from districts. It entails identifying products and services having export potential in all districts of the country, including Gujarat, in cooperation with all stakeholders, including states and UTs.

All States/UTs have established an institutional system by establishing the State Export Promotion Committee (SEPC) and the District Export Promotion Committee (DEPC) at the district level. District Export Action Plans outlining existing bottlenecks in the supply chain and identifying alternative interventions to alleviate existing gaps are being created for all districts under the initiative.

These define the assistance needed by local exporters and manufacturers to produce/manufacture designated products in sufficient number and with the required quality and branding in order to reach potential clients outside India.

To increase exports from districts designated as export hubs, the DGFT has collaborated with states and districts to hold export promotion outreach programs.

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